Robert left the retail furniture business in 2004 to join his dear friend Hal Rosenberg in his growing business. Funeral Funding Center was just a few years old when Robert got involved, and he immediately learned just about every phase of the insurance death claim business. Before long, Robert was verifying policies, sending out wire transmissions, and making sure that insurance companies paid their claims in a timely manner. But Robert’s passion has always been understanding and maintaining relationships and friendships with all the firms that have trusted their business with him. He knows what his clients’ needs are and is focused in not only meeting but exceeding those needs. Robert has served in the role of Director of Client Relations since C&J Financial acquired Funeral Funding Center in 2014.
Robert lives in Plantation, Florida and has 2 daughters Allison and Samantha. Allison is a Speech Language Pathologist and Samantha is a Physical Education teacher and she coaches volleyball and basketball.